Adwords Display Training Guide – GDN

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Part 1: Google Display Overview

AdWords display covers around 90% of all internet users world wide. It’s the largest display advertising network out there and one that many companies even small ones can take advantage of.

In this Google Display Network (GDN) guide we will be covering best practices for setting up campaigns as well covering the multitude of targeting options you have inside a GDN campaign.

This guide serves both digital marketing experts as well as those who have never used AdWords display. The course is broken down into 3 main parts

  • Setting up a Display campaign
  • Targeting Options
  • Optimizing

Each of the main section may have several videos to talk in-depth about specific subjects. In every video there are hidden gems that many other courses skip over. This GDN training guide is meant to be very informative. If you watch all the videos you should have a very good understanding on how the Google Display Network works and you should be able to fully take advantage of all or most of the options.

Supplemental updates will be shown at under the GDN training Guide.

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1 – Differences Between Search and Display

2- Setting Up and AdWords Display Campaign

3- 3 Must Know GDN Campaign Setting Hacks

4- AdWords Display Adgroup Targeting Options

5- AdWords Display Ad Creation Options

6- AdWords Conversion Tracking

7- AdWords Display Tabs Walk-Through

8. AdWords Display Targeting Options

9 – AdWords Display Optimization

10 – GDN Quality Score – A Look at Relative Click Through Rate

11 – AdWords Display Columns

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